Friday 22 August 2014

METROLL Metline® Colourbond® Lattice panel

Another variation of a Colourbond Metroll Metline® fence. The addition of the Top Frieze lattice gives the fence a softer more pleasing appearance when the fence is a dominant part of the landscape. This fence pictured is 2.25 metres tall including the 200mm timber plinth insert.
The fence is improved by the dark (Grey ridge) and light (Merino) colourbond colours combination. If the fence needs to blend in with the landscape and not detract from a view then plain colour should be used. But where the fence is the dominant feature or backdrop to a garden view, then the fence should become a work of art. If it isn't then effort needs to be made to hide the fence.


  1. (I experienced poor performance from wooden lattice in the past). It was rather funny, if not dangerous, to see how I transported the 8'x4' lattice panels in my too-small Honda SUV (yes, the lattice was on top of my head driving down the street!).fencing services

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